Free-For-All Friday: DISHology With Megan Buccere and Chloe’ Hagan

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M.L. Gardner’s Free-For-All Friday welcomes DISHology co-founders Megan Buccere and Chloe’Hagan with their beautiful creations. Art teachers by day and business owners by night, this creative duo handcrafts everything from serving dishes, to mugs, to platters, to soap pumps, to coffee services, etc.  Be sure to check out their website and Etsy store because every piece is magnificently drool worthy!

What is your name?

DISHology LLC. We are 2 best friends and fine artists, Megan Buccere (pronounced ba sarah) and Chloe’ Hagan.

Describe your products.

DISHology is a collaborative pottery company that combines hand drawn images with ceramics you can use everyday. Our pieces include hand rolled cheese trays, giant coffee mugs, serving platters, coffee sets and much more!

How and why did you open an Etsy store? Is your Etsy shop your full time job?

We began our business a year and a half ago after we had both been experimenting with ceramic techniques. I (Megan) grabbed a glaze pencil one day and started drawing on some unfinished bisque pieces I had created. Chloe’ came by and took the idea and began drawing on larger pieces. We spent a few weeks playing around with our new ideas and one day it just hit us! We have to start a pottery company. We hadn’t seen anyone doing anything like what we were producing on etsy which was a pretty good sign that we had come up with something great. We put a few pieces on display in a local shop that was selling our paintings. The response was phenomenal. After our website kick off the next logical step was to sell on etsy. We are still a young company and the response from etsy customers has really been inspirational. We can hit a national market that helps us to develop new products. Our Etsy shop is not our full time job….yet. We are both full time art teachers and currently DISHology is more of a hobby (although our long term goal is to make it full time)

What inspires you?

We are from Louisiana and a lot of our products (mostly on our website not on etsy) are done with a Louisiana theme. The people in our state are very culturally aware and love anything and everything having to do with Louisiana culture. We have designed a mardi gras line, kitchy swamp scenes, we even have a cajun dictionary collection. Other than our Louisiana designs we love to do whimsical pieces that bring a little spark of joy into peoples every day lives. We really try to research design trends and see what our customers want in their homes.

Describe a typical day.

Chloe’ and I are both full time art teachers so during the day we are teaching art to upper level high school kids. In the evenings and on the weekends we have a studio and kiln where we work on our newest DISHology creations.

What are some fun things we should know about you?

We like to make our significant others help us glaze sometimes. We both love to listen to loud music while we work in the studio.


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