Origami Owl Mompreneur Wanda Welter




My name is Wanda Welter, Origami Owl Independent Designer. I am a Navy wife of 25 years. I have three children and four grandchildren. I stay home to help take care of my grandson. I love Origami Owl as a product and as a company. We offer lockets with over 250 charms to tell your life story. We have several different lockets, charms and dangles to make your story your own. You can earn a free locket with hosting an online, catalog or in home party. You can earn 30-50% on all the products if you are interested in joining my team. I can stay home to take care of my grandson and still earn my own money with Origami Owl. I love the quality and versatility of our products. If I can answer any questions for you please call me at: 757-775-0110 or email me at wmwelter@cox.net. I will be happy to talk to you and help you in any way I can. Have an Owlmazing day!

“Can you make it” Monday


Through the day? Ehh, with lots of coffee. I fell asleep last night listing to a depressing report of what America does not make anymore. Bad jobs reports, dire fiscal cliff warnings, (still haven’t avoided that fully you know) Commercials urging you to buy gold, buy food, buy guns, prepare for what’s coming…Sheesh!  I’ve known for awhile that harder times are coming to this country and everyone knows someone who has lost everything in recent years. I have often wondered if the generations alive today have the intestinal fortitude to make it through to the other side. Sadly, I just  don’t know. I had to find some positive in all this and so I have decided to seek out Mompreneurs that make things, interview them and feature them on the blog on “Can you make it” Mondays. Combining handmade, made in the USA, highlighting creative ways to get through these hard times and giving those hardworking moms some exposure. If you or anyone you know is a Mompreneur, email me for a spot. I’d love to feature you.